Tonearms by Tri-Planar
Herb Papier’s brainchild lives on today, under the caring stewardship of Tri Mai in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Tri-Planar embraces the philosophy we espouse here at Galibier – well conceived, stable, mature designs which undergo evolutionary, continual process improvement.
Much of the Tri-Planar’s improvements over the years are internal, and not plainly visible.

Tri-Planar U-12 Tonearm
Tri-Planars are one of the easiest tonearms to set up precisely and this should not be underestimated when selecting a Tonearm.
Tri-Planars come in 3 versions:
- Mk VII U2 ‘Classic’ (250 mm effective length): composite arm wand and copper wiring
- U2 SE (250 mm effective length): carbon fiber arm wand and silver wiring
- U12 (308mm effective length): carbon fiber arm wand and silver wiring