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A Floor Supported Turntable Wall Shelf

Galibier Design - Floor Supported Turntable Wall Shelf

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Wobbly floors present quite the challenge for isolating a turntable.

If you live in a house with a basement, and your system is on the main floor, extreme measures can be taken.

One solution involves installing jacks or other means of supports under the floor joists.

This is impractical for most installations, and with heavy turntables, a wall mounted shelf will  be inadequate.

A Hybrid Solution

This stand is a concept we arrived at and it takes advantage of the fact that the floor near a wall is typically a stable point.

The weight is borne by the two feet, and the two anchor points on the wall serve to keep the shelf from tipping.

We intentionally didn't dimension this drawing, as its fabrication will require a welder, and you'll no doubt want to adjust the dimensions and angles to suit your installation.

You can download a .pdf version of the drawing by clicking here.

The oval wall mounting holes allow you to fine tune the tilt / leveling, in conjunction with using adjustable footers.

Some possible enhancements:

  • Add a lower shelf
  • Anchor to the wall, using the horizontal top strut.  This will allow you to anchor to wall studs on 16" centers.  You'll have to develop an oval mount for tilt adjustment.

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