Koetsu Onyx Delivery

Galibier Design - Koetsu Onyx: Headshell @ 92 Degree SRA

Click to Enlarge

One lucky owner picked up the Koetsu Onyx advertised on our Specials page.

We brokered the transaction to ensure that it was as advertised.

Needless to say, "new" in box Koetsus are getting more rare by the day.

This particular Onyx sample was rebuilt by Sugano the elder and had never been mounted or played until it went through our QC process.

This was a particularly good example.

The headshell orientation shown in the photo above, represents a 92 degree SRA.

Very nice!

Typical of early Koetsus, the mount is unthreaded.  We modified brass fixing nuts (3-48 thread) to allow fore easy tightening/adjustment.  They won't spin when turning the screw.

Galibier Design - Koetsu Onyx Microscope Photo

(click to enlarge)

Galibier Design - Koetsu Onyx on Fidelity Research Arm

Mounted on the Owner's FR64S

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