NiWatts in a "Proper" System (click to enlarge)
The future owner of NiWatt s/n #003 and 004 wanted to audition coupling caps, and we brought our pre-production prototypes to his place to carry this experiment out in his system.
There were several viable candidates, but the winner came from (surprise) Jupiter Condenser.
The specific model has no relevance to you, but know that we'll work to tailor your selection to your taste and your system.
Flexibility and Tuning
Throughout the NiWatt's development, we employed a subtle tuning element. The temptation was to transformer couple the input to the driver stage.
We retained choke loading however, which allows us to use a high quality capacitor to couple it to the driver stage.
The driver stage is transformer coupled to the 300B output with the magnificent Monolith Interstage Transformers (all of the critical iron is from Monolith).
The NiWatts are so sensitive to component changes that a 2" length of wire makes a difference. A single, high quality capacitor provides all the system tuning you'll ever require, without adding excess components and parts complexity.
Think of this single capacitor the way you would if you were to change from a Koetsu cartridge to one from Murasakino, My Sonic Lab, etc. in your vinyl rig.
We'll work with you to select the right coupling capacitor for you (ignore the parts values in the stock component photos, below).

Comet: Silver Foil (paper in oil)

Copper Foil (paper & wax)

Vitamin Q: Silver Foil (paper in oil)