Galibier Design Headshell Shim Preparation

Trimming Tools

Stiction (noun): the friction which tends to prevent stationary surfaces from being set in motion.

Adjusting zenith can be frustrating due to the stiction between the mounting screws and the headshell.  Even brass washers can grab and go, making it difficult to make small zenith adjustments.

Building on our experience with our Schröder headshell tuning kit, we decided to adapt some nylon washers for use in a Kuzma headshell.

With the majority of headshells, a simple washer substitution can be made.

Note however, the reinforcement ribs in Kuzma headshells require using either small diameter washers, or filing flats on to larger washers.

Washers small enough to fit between the ribs are barely larger then the diameter of socket head mounting bolts, so this doesn't do much to help the cartridge slide easily during adjustment.

We prefer filing flats onto washers, to increase the sliding contact area.

Shown here, are brass washers we generally use for the final installation with Kuzmas (although we're open to cartridges which favor nylon).

Galibier Design - Kuma Headshell Washers

Custom Brass Washers

As noted above, we adapted nylon washers for smoother operation during the setup process.

After setup, we'll audition all three washer combinations to see which variation works for the particular tonearm and cartridge:  

  • 2 nylon washers
  • 1 nylon, 1 brass
  • 2 brass washers

To swap out the washers without disturbing the geometry, remove/replace one screw at a time.

We won't tell you which combination worked for this Kuzma arm/Kuzma cartridge combination because not only will it ruin your fun, but these solutions are system-specific:   influenced by both your arm and cartridge as well as likely everything downstream of it.  

While our general findings favor brass and stainless, the Schröder CB's energy management strategy is one notable exception, so have fun with this and feel free to talk to us about your observations.

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