Stelvio Mk II

Galibier Design: Stelvio-II - Low Angle View

Galibier Stelvio - Platinum Gray Metallic

The Stelvio name is reserved for our no-compromise turntable – the application of everything we’ve learned about drive systems and energy management, incorporating principles of mass, damping - where material science and art meet.

Feature Overview

We know of no platter design in current production with as sophisticated a damping strategy as the one we employ.  Click the thumbnail photos (at the bottom) for detailed descriptions, but in summary:

The 44.5 pound composite (TPI ©) platter:

Galibier Design - Stelvio-II Turntable

Polished Finish

  • Is based on aluminum carrier which has damping chambers filled with lead and oil.
  • Has a central, 14 pound  brass layer.
  • Is topped off with a 1/4" thick top layer of carbon fiber (the TPI © layer).
  • The entire assembly is constrained by 60 stainless steel screws.  Assembling it is a labor of love.

Our bearing will outlive your children's children, and our world-class drive system with its rigid belt makes for a turntable that brings the best of belt drive, idler, and direct-drive into a single package.

The Stelvio base employs the same damping concepts as our platter design.  It has has a complex matrix of damping channels which form a two-way vibration sink:  isolating the bearing from stand and shelf borne vibration, while damping the vibration loop from the stylus through the arm and armboard from passing through the base, bearing and platter (eliminating the feedback loop).

Dual Armboards have Vernier-adjustable pivot to spindle capability, which allows for precise adjustment that exceeds your magnification tools.  The adjustment range is sufficient to permit experimentation with alternate geometries.

Born in the U.S.A.

Your Stelvio is fabricated right here in Colorado, where we monitor every step of the manufacturing process.

More information: 

Click the thumbnails below for links to background on our design philosophy.

Pricing - $25,995 which includes:

  • Three free Wind River cables of any type. 
  • Alternatively, if you've previously purchased up to three of our cables (any type), we'll apply their purchase price to your Stelvio.
  • Additional armboards: $725
  • Package pricing available (for tonearm + cartridge)

Adjustments due to COVID:

Please refer to our  COVID statement for current updates on travel and customer interaction.

  • In-home setup has been suspended until further notice.  We've reduced the Stelvio price accordingly
  • Setup is now an à la carte item.  
  • At such point that we resume traveling to clients' sites, we'll bill you only for travel expenses.
  • Since our shop is closed to the public, we've further reduced the Stelvio price above by $750 to reflect the travel/audition rebate we were previously offering.

More details?  Click the images below.

Never miss a good story!

 Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a copy of a setup report we created for a customer.

Subscribers also receive discounts on all accessories, including Audiodesk, Feickert and AnalogMagik

This report is in 3 sections:  

15 pages packed with general setup information - tricks you may not have seen before

Documentation of the customer's setup

A tool guide - how to specify a USB microscope and build your own azimuth gauge

Click the photo below, to subscribe.

Galibier Design - Setup Tools and Charts (Composite Photo)

Click for Free Setup Report
