Tonearms by Ortofon

Galibier Design - Ortofon AS-212R & AS-309R Tonearms

Ortofon AS-212R & AS-309R

Ortofon arms are back!

Released in late 2023.

Ortofon has a tradition of offering arms without headshells, since SPU owners have no need for them.

To view available headshells, click here.

Stay tuned for details & specifications.

AS-212-R (9-inch Reference): $3,359

High precision bearing assembly.

Reengineered H4 (headshell) connector resists wear over time.

Pivot point center rebate takes the guesswork out of using your Feickert and SmartTractor alignment tool.

Includes 2 counterweights, one for standard, and one for extra-heavy cartridges (e.g.  SPU, Kuzma, etc.)

Includes shielded high-purity copper tonearm cable (6NX-TSW1010).

Galibier Design - Ortofon AS-212R Tonearm


AS-309R ($12-inch Reference):  $3,469

Galibier Design - Ortofon AS-309R Tonearm


The 12" version has all of the same construction details, and features, and also included is their shielded, high-purity copper tonearm cable.

The mass of the 12" is recommended for SPUs and other lower compliance cartridges.

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