Furutech Connectors
In support of DIY inquiries, this page lists the connectors we use in our products.
You can view the full Furutech product line by clicking on this link.
All connectors imported into the U.S. are available.
U.S. pricing for all Furutech products imported into the country can be viewed at Elite A/V Distribution (you can filter by component category from the dropdown at the top of the page).
RCA Connectors
These two RCAs (FP-126) are the optional substitutions for the ETI Copper LINKs, in our Headwaters cable.
We recommend Furutechs over ETIs for the inexperienced builder, because of the risk of heat damage to the ETIs while soldering.

FP 126 (G) - gold: $70 for four

FP 126 (R) - rhodium: $90 for four
Speaker Connectors (spades and bananas)
The FT-211 spades, and FT-212 bananas are standard issue in our Wind River speaker cables.
The FT-212 bananas are the first banana connectors we've used, that we're comfortable in recommending. Their locking mechanism is secure and easy to operate.
These connectors will accommodate the dual run of 12 gauge stranded wire we use in the Wind Rivers (effective 9 gauge).

FT-211 (G) - gold spade: $ 130 for set of four

FT-211 (R) - rhodium spade: $ 147 for set of four

FT-212 (G) - gold banana: $ 145 for set of four

FT-212 (R) - rhodium banana: $ 171 for set of four