Cables from Cardas

Galibier Design - Cardas Cables

Click to visit Cardas

This represents a departure for us at Galibier.

We recognize that you can't be all things to all people, and the Cardas brand represents a viable contrasting interpretation for cabling your system.

Their product line is too extensive to document here, but a click of the thumbnail photo will take you to the Cardas site.

One point of experimentation convinced us to bring on their line of cables - our evaluation of several of their tonearm cables.

Contact us for details about both their cables as well as their trade-up program.

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This report is in 3 sections:  

15 pages packed with general setup information - tricks you may not have seen before

Documentation of the customer's setup

A tool guide - how to specify a USB microscope and build your own azimuth gauge

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Galibier Design - Setup Tools and Charts (Composite Photo)

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