Quicksilver Audio

Everything that's right about vacuum tube audio

Galibier Design - Quicksilver Audio Line Stage

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Mike Sanders has  been responsible for building some of the most reliable, high-value vacuum tube products for over 3 decades.

We've compared his amplifiers, line stages and phono stages favorably against products selling for 3-4 times their price.

Even better!  These products are made in the U.S.A.

Many individuals are fearful of vacuum tube products due to the poor maintenance track record of some of the biggest names in the industry.

I hear more stories of these poorly designed products having to go back to the factory for either repair or "periodic upgrades".

Mike Sanders is a no nonsense individual and his designs are stable, mature and reliable!  


I recently posted an essay on the myth of unreliable vacuum tube amplification (click here).  The video linked in that post is a bit lengthy, but the technician shows an example of a "bullet proof" design.  He was performing maintenance on an amplifier that was in service for decades, running 24x7 in the harsh environment of a church bell tower ... in Canada!

The Allies relied on vacuum tube communications in the field during WW II.  Solid designs are reliable!

Warren Buffet once commented that he won't invest in a company whose business model he doesn't understand.  Quicksilver is the electronic equivalent of that easily understood company - classic circuits, re-imagined and implemented with best practice construction techniques.

The Quicksilver Lineup

We'll have more to say here, but we want to point out two leading products:  their line stage and phono stage.  

As we began to take on more budget friendly products like the Kuzma Stabi S and Feickert Volare turnables, we've been fielding more questions about phono stages in the $1k to $2K price range.

Don't let the price and FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) fool you.  This phono stage is in our demo system.  It's that good!

The answer is the Quicksilver phono stage at $1,595.

The second product is their line stage (priced similarly).  It comes in two versions: one with a remote volume control, and one without.

We'll cover these products, along with their amplifiers in the coming days.

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Subscribers also receive discounts on all accessories, including Audiodesk, Feickert and AnalogMagik

This report is in 3 sections:  

15 pages packed with general setup information - tricks you may not have seen before

Documentation of the customer's setup

A tool guide - how to specify a USB microscope and build your own azimuth gauge

Click the photo below, to subscribe.

Galibier Design - Setup Tools and Charts (Composite Photo)

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