I couldn’t let this sit. Two days ago (click here, for that post) I reported the following:
Frankly, I love the Savoie exactly as it sits, but I know that there are those who might miss out on its charms due to focusing on its noise floor performance. I get it – that there are idler drive fans and belt drive fans and you pick the combination of strengths and weaknesses that are most meaningful to you. My intent is to make this choice a difficult one – to close the gap between the two architectures.
Yesterday, I fabricated a sub-base for the drive assembly. This allowed me to mount the drive assembly to the shelf instead of the floor of the Savoie’s control cavity. Isolating in this way, the Savoie is approaching the Stelvio’s noise floor with no negatives, but we’re not quite there yet.
It’s time to break out the big guns and apply some of the Stelvio’s vibration mitigation tricks. I’m still optimistic that I can return to a chassis mounted drive system with little to no noise penalty, but the above experiment points toward an alternative solution in case it becomes necessary.
Savoie prototyping will take a back seat until the NiWatt chassis design is submitted for fabrication.