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Eddy Merckx Corsa - 1986

Our trusty steed for all these years - $1,375 shipping included

Galibier Design - Eddy Merckx Corsa

We haven't ridden it for over a decade.

This Corsa was acquired in 1986 and was originally painted in Team Panasonic (blue & white).

It was re-painted in Boulder Yellow by Rainbow Cyclecraft in Niwot, Colorado in 2000 (with original decals) and upgraded to the current (at the time) Campag componentry (with exceptions noted below).

The rebuild was performed by Vecchio's Bicicletteria in Boulder, CO (the "go to" Campy shop in town).  

This bike was originally fit with 6-speed Dura-ACE.  Vecchio's gave us the choice of either cold-setting the rear triangle or letting it relax over time - in both cases, to accept the 135mm spacing for 9-12 speed hubs.  We chose the latter option.

  • Seat Tube is 54.5cm (c-c), 56cm (c-t)
  • Top Tube is 56cm (c-c)
  • Chris King Headset
  • 10-speed Record cranks (172.5, 53/39)
  • Front derailleur is either Chorus or Record (can't remember)
  • Rear derailleur is 9-speed Chorus w/9-speed cogset (13-23?)
  • Record 9-speed shifters
  • Chorus rear hub (Mavic Open-4 wheel)
  • Chorus front hub (Mavic Open-4 wheel)
  • Chorus brakes
  • Bottom bracket (I can't remember)
  • Ritchey seat post (current photo shows an American Classic)
  • Sella Italia Turbomatic-4 saddle
  • ITM 100mm stem and ITM 42cm bars

Inquire for more closeup photos of the few minor paint chips.

Also included is a spare cassette.  At your option, I'll include an original pair of Speedplay pedals, well-used cleats with various shoe adapters.

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